iMX53 M4IF Watermark Regions for TrustZone

panton panton at ...215...
Tue Jan 28 09:10:00 CET 2014

Hi Earlence,

You can find an implementation of m4if into 
os/src/server/tz_vmm/imx53/m4if.h. Thus, for example, file (same 
directory) makes use of _m4if.set_region(...,...); function to configure 
secure ram region for Secure World.


El 27.01.2014 22:05, Earlence Fernandes escribió:
> The iMX53 security manual and multimedia ref manual states that there
> is a configurable set of registers in the CSU that control watermark
> regions on the M4IF.
> I am grepping thru genode code but can't find this code. Is there some
> module/driver that handles these registers?
> -Earlence
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