Block Cache

w_schmidt at ...181... w_schmidt at ...181...
Mon Apr 28 20:27:43 CEST 2014


I have a few question regarding genodes block cache in 14.02.

If understand it correctly on x86-based computers genode starts on top of 
Therefore multiple caches will be used before something goes to genode
a) the cache on a hdd
b) cache on a drive controller
c) the linux block cache
d) qemu

The first one is about the scenario in which the block cache is used.
Is the block cache only thought for embedded devices where genode runs 
nativly? Are all embeded devices usable with the cache?

Is there a way to mount a partition in genode with qemu without using caches 
from c) and d) ?
Or is there a x86 hardware where genode can directly operate on?

As far as I have seen so far the disc cache of Linux does not seem to be 
disablable. I have only foudn ways to flush linux cache (like sync && echo 3 
 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches).

Best regards,

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