Using Lwip with fdopen

Mhamad Hmad mhh.it1986 at ...9...
Fri Apr 18 10:03:18 CEST 2014

I built small test server application using lwip stack  to work like echo
server .
i tried to associate the socket with a stream by using fdopen but it failed
when i using the mode "r" or "r+" it give invalid parameter error,
in the same time when i try to write on the file descriptor returned by
lwip_accept  it is write to the client .
the part of code is :
while (1)
magsock = lwip_accept (socket_v , 0, 0 );
if (magsock ==-1)
         perror ("lwip_accept");
        // this is work
        char *buf= "hi";
        if(  write (,magsock,buf , sizeof(buf) )<0)
                perror ("write");
        // this is not work
        FILE *file;
        file= fdopn(magsock ,"r");
        if (file==NULL)
                perror ("fdopn");

        int c ;
any clue or suggestion ?

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