dde-linux, musb driver code page faults in Routine:Main

Bob Stewart robjsstewart at ...196...
Wed Apr 2 18:15:35 CEST 2014

On 04/02/2014 10:40 AM, Bob Stewart wrote:
> I'm porting the musb driver code from Linux, using the 14.02 release of
> Genode. Basically, I'm using the main.cc code in dde-linux/src/lib/usb
> to start the usb subsystem and usb port drivers. The main.cc code is
> essentially unchanged and the start_usb_driver function is identical to
> the release code.
> When running the executible containing this code a page fault occurs
> when _run is called in Routine::main(). The reason appears to be the
> schedule() function returns a pointer to 0x0 it got from _next which was
> returned from _list. The pointer in in _list appears to have been
> removed at the start main(). It looks to me like the code in main.cc in
> src/lib/usb would fail for any usb driver code. What am I missing?
> Thanks,
>           Bob Stewart
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Appears to be related to not including a call to subsys_usb_init() which 
I had commented out inadvertently. Not sure why that is the case but 
I'll figure it out. With that call included, main() now runs as expected.

         Bob Stewart

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