Which Genode source code to download

Alexander Boettcher alexander.boettcher at ...1...
Fri Jul 26 09:00:14 CEST 2013


On 25.07.2013 17:05, Aditya Kousik wrote:
> Is it better to clone from genode's github repo or will the sourceforge
> zipfile do?

I would recommend to clone from github. You may afterwards easily switch
to a specific release if you want, e.g after a git clone do:

git checkout 13.05

and you get the release - which as good as the released zip file -
actually it is better as the zip file because you also get the history
about commits (git log or gitk).

> zipfile do? Because, in many of the queries, a factor of 'not using
> latest Genode' pops up.

Fixes for specific issues are ever applied to the master branch, so we
do no back ports of fixes to releases. If you hit the point, that you
need a fix or a feature not in the latest release, then you should use
the latest master branch.

As a side node: every update on the master branch has also passed
several automated tests (see tool/autopilot.lst) on all relevant x86 and
arm platforms (natively and qemu) before we update the master branch.


Alexander Boettcher.

> Thanks and Regards
> Aditya
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