Nova 32 bits on older Pentium 4 computer.

Paul Dufresne dufresnep at ...9...
Wed Jan 23 18:00:54 CET 2013

Ok, I added a config element for the vesa driver in my file:
append_if [have_spec vesa] config {
	<start name="vesa_drv">
	  <config width="640"
          buffered="no" />
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
		<provides><service name="Framebuffer"/></provides>
At first I did put it before the start element rather than inside, and
so it took me a while to figure out what was wrong.

I am now happy to report that I can now read scout on my Pentium 4!
Thanks everyone!

P.S. I should probably use 1024x768 at ...168... however.

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