Genode Clarification Please

Lonnie Cumberland lonnie at ...218...
Fri Dec 13 14:22:45 CET 2013

Greetings All,

I am new to Genode and think that it is very nice solution for a
microkernel OS for which I am trying to learn more about as it evolves into
a fully fledged general operating system as I think that it has the
potential to be much better than the majority that are currently available
although it still seem to be a long ways from production quality at the

One thing that I am not clear about, and please forgive this question if it
is a bit elementary as to something simple that I should have been able to
ascertain, but I am confused on exactly where the Genode OS framework fall
into place as an independent OS.

The basis of my question is from the reading that I have been doing on the
Genode website in which I can see that it can be compiled to run on
baremetal as you would expect an OS to do, but why is it als able to be
compiled to be used with other base platforms?

I can understand why it might be used with NOVA, which is a microhypervisor
and thus Genode could run as a user-land OS in a VM, but I do not see why
Genode would need to be compiled against the other base-platforms like
Linux, Fiasco, ....

Can someone please clarify this for me?

Kind Regards and have a great day my friends,

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