
Norman Feske norman.feske at ...1...
Mon May 28 11:49:53 CEST 2012

Hello Naveen,

>      I want to build fiasco kernel with Vim editor.And I have done
> following things.
> 1.The file "vim73 " copied in genode directory,
> 2.I added in  "fiasco.OC/etc/build.conf"  for one repositories "

I have to admit that I do not know what you are trying to do here.

But let me guide you through the process of building and running a
system with VIM on Genode. The following steps assume that you already
have installed the Genode tool chain.

* git clone git at ...116...:genodelabs/genode.git genode.git

  This step clones the Genode repository to your machine. The
  source code will be located at 'genode.git'.

* cd genode.git

* make -C base-foc prepare

  This step downloads the Fiasco.OC kernel. The '-C' option
  tells make to change to the specified directory before executing
  the 'prepare' make rule.

* make -C libports prepare PKG="libc ncurses"

  This step downloads the libc and the ncurses libraries (needed
  by VIM). The libc-related files will be downloaded to
  'libports/contrib/libc-8.2.0'. The PKG argument tells the
  Makefile in 'libports' to download a list of specific packages.
  To see all the packages available in libports, just type 'make'
  from within the 'libports/' directory.

* make -C ports prepare PKG=vim

  This step downloads the source code of my favorite text editor.

* ./tool/create_builddir foc_x86_32 BUILD_DIR=build.foc_x86_32
  cd build.foc_x86_32

  The 'create_buildddir' tool creates a new build directory for
  the the Fiasco.OC base platform. Change to the new build
  directory afterwards.

* sed -i "/#REPOSITORIES.*libports/s/#//" etc/build.conf
  sed -i "/#REPOSITORIES.*ports/s/#//" etc/build.conf
  sed -i "/#REPOSITORIES.*gems/s/#//" etc/build.conf

  This step enables the use of the 'libports', 'ports', and 'gems'
  repositories in the build-directory's 'build.conf' file.
  Alternatively, you may do this manually by uncommenting the
  respective lines of the 'build.conf' file with a text editor.

  The 'libports' repository is required for the libc and ncurses,
  the ports  repository is required by 'Noux' and 'VIM', and the
  'gems' repository is required for the terminal emulator.

* make run/noux_vim

  This step lets the build system execute the 'ports/run/noux_vim.run'
  script. Thereby all components required for running VIM on Genode
  are built, the resulting binaries are integrated onto a bootable
  ISO image (located at 'build.foc_x86_32/var/run/noux_vim.iso'),
  and the ISO image is started via Qemu.

Could you please give these step-by-step instructions a try? If you find
any of those steps hard to follow, please let us know. So we can improve
our documentation.

Before proceeding with developing own components, I strongly suggest you
to familiarize yourself with all those steps in detail, in particular
with using Genode's run scripts. Without knowing how the tooling
machinery works and how all the Genode repositories work together, you
won't get far.


Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske
Genode Labs

http://www.genode-labs.com · http://genode.org

Genode Labs GmbH · Amtsgericht Dresden · HRB 28424 · Sitz Dresden
Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth

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