Create multiple processes.

Chen Tian chen.tian at ...60...
Tue Jun 14 21:00:53 CEST 2011

After looking at some examples and config files, I don't think I have a good
understanding on how Genode launches multiple applications, especially the
use of function env(),  which returns the environment of the creating
process.   Is that true that all  applications launched by init currently
have the same RM/RAM session? Even so,  each application should have its own
region map and pager, right? I launched two applications, but the kernel
debugger shows that only one pager exists except core.pager.  Please help me
understand this. 





From: Chen Tian - SISA [mailto:chen.tian at ...58...] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:21 AM
To: Genode OS Framework Mailing List
Subject: Create multiple processes.




I want to launch multiple Genode processes. One obvious way is to take
advantage of init process. But it seems like all these init-created
processes will share the same RM session (provided by Core) and hence the
same pager.  To allow each process to have its own region map, shall I write
my own launching process or modify init ? Thanks.




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