CPU balancing is pretty easy to manage at a higher level. For example,
the Nim runtime balances additional Genode threads automatically,
because the common high-level case is to create a thread pool for each
CPU and push jobs to it. In other cases I assume that a thread will
be blocked or block an external component, and running components on
multiple CPUs only comes with the performance cost of communicating
across multiple CPUs.
https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/ 55a5dcf8a47a47028707c46491072c 438eb2f6ce/lib/system/threads. nim#L570
On Tue, 13 Mar 2018 05:19:46 -0600
Nobody III <hungryninja101@...52...9...> wrote:
> It seems like we ought to have a balancer component or at least basic
> balancing built into init. A lack of balancing is a huge performance
> issue on modern SMP CPUs. How could we go about this? Could a server
> do the balancing through the CPU session interface?
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