Hello Norman,
Sorry if this month I was inactive, but school and personal engagements were particularly heavy, specially in those days..
Now, I agree with your layout changer menu, nice idea, an Ubuntu style would fit with the os theme, and yeah, if we must give Italian layout, it MUST be great.
For the translation I am having some problems of time in those days, I am still thinking on the brace question, I send you the fixed chargen where the problem is partially solved, I was able to find the key for the KEY_LFTBRACE ("{") which is correct in my Italian keyboard, but the KEY_RIGHTBRACET still didn't works.. when I'll have time I'll try to complete it as much as I can.
I have some hints to give for your Genode toolchain: I've seen that the manual compilation is quite long, but there isn't any automatic script which install automatically every pre-requisite, the ways would be to create an sh file where:
1) you enable the "universe" repository ( sudo add-apt-repository universe )
2) you gather info of the host system ( clang version and arch version -> respectively `gcc -v` and `uname -m` )
3) you automatically install all the packages (libncurses, autoconfig ecc..) and through and int() approximation of your GCC version, you install gnat (for the current GCC version)
NOTE: remember to add `git` as pre-requisite, usually fresh Ubuntus os didn't have it!
4) you launch the command: `tool_chain <arch>` where arch has been parsed and retrieved from `uname -m`
I know that this is quite simple to do even for a beginner, but I learnt that more you automate the installation procedure for your software, more you'll have success selling it.
Another few ideas for the future:
* Open some bug bounty hunts for your Sculpt os, this will bring new people to study it for finding security breach (you can choose the prize for the vulnerability discovered).
* I know that I am so repetitive, but try to create a scripting language which works only in your OS, Limbo for Inferno OS can be a great suggestion, if you do this, you may attire interested peoples for that.
Another bad news: today I've tried to install the Genode toolchain on my 64 bit pc, the pre-compiled packages didn't works and, even if the manual installation works, when I execute goa run, the same error of the last time happen, even if I am in a different computer.
I would like to program an User-Space bluetooth client, I was studying some examples from the internet and I think that is extremely affordable to do, I'll experiment anything in those days.
Edoardo Mantovani, 2021