Hello again,
I've made some progress.
1. I manually defined CRYPTOPP_UNIX_AVAILABLE in cryptopp's config.h temporarily which allowed much of the cryptopp library to get build freely. This also resolved undefined references to 'AutoSeededRandomPool::Reseed' methods.
2. Compilation of ndn-cxx goes fine (after adding ndn-cxx-config.hpp).
The final set of errors are undefined references. I'm facing similar problems to the article written about porting SDL_net.
undefined references to 'kqueue', 'kevent' and 'sendmsg'.
There was initially an extra undefined reference to if_nametoindex and if_indextoname (I changed
libc_net.mk to add these to SRC_C). They were in turn dependent on getifaddrs and freeifaddrs which was solved by adding getifaddrs.c to SRC_C.
I've found a few implementations of kqueue(), kevent() in the original libc repository : they're defined in kern_event.c which is not present in the current libc port. Same for sendmsg. I've been trying to add kevent and kqueue by changing the libc port by adding sys/kern to the list of exports and adding a mk file for the libc-kern component. I'm wondering if I should go to the extent of doing this because just by looking at the code I can see that there will be a cascade of dependencies within sys/kern itself that I now have to deal with. Suggestions would help - I'm kind of lost with this exact decision that was mentioned in porting SDL_net.
The weirdest part in this, is that I can't seem to find the place in the ndn-cxx code that even makes a call or even includes sys/event.h. I grepped the words 'kqueue', 'kevent' and 'sendmsg' and they're present in the object files but nowhere to be found in the source files!
Part 2: Since the contrib/library-<hash>/ folder has both include/ as well as src/ folder, which one actually becomes the INC_DIR in .mk file? Because whatever changes I made when I set the include/ folder as INC_DIR were not getting reflected during compilation. So, there's a side query about that.
Sorry for the long post. I just feel that I'm close to the finish line.