
I'm reading the article "An Exploration of ARM TrustZone Technology" and a question was raised into my head when I reached the subsection "TZPC and TZASC". It is mentioned that by experimenting with the Versatile Express platform some insights were discovered. Namely, TZASC secures physical addresses via SMC (Static Memory Controller), while TZPC secures physical addresses via DMC (Dynamic MC). In summary, TZASC secures on-chip RAM, namely SRAM; and TZPC secures off-chip RAM, namely DRAM.
I don't know if you're familiar with ARM TrustZone documentation, but in this white paper of ARM http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.prd29-genc-009492c/PRD29-GENC-009492C_trustzone_security_whitepaper.pdf, it is mentioned in the sections 4.1.4 and 4.1.7 the opposite of what was mentioned by your article.

I look forward to your answer about this. I am studying the TrustZone architecture and reading this has just bugged me. I don't if I miss something here.

Thank you in advance,
Mohamed Sabt