Morning All,

I am slowly working through the Sculpt 20.02 documentation and have now figured out how to handle using Qemu after being able to compile up the Sculpt img which is actually easier to use than creating an iso and then running it in virtualbox.

With that in mind, I have been able to get partly through the way for installing VirtualBox inside of Sculpt by following the instructions:

(The Sculpt documentation references using the above link for starting up virtualbox)

But it seems that I need to be able to scroll to see some options off the Sculpt screen in Qemu


at the bottom so that I can see the other options.  The standard scrolling does not seem to work here and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Making progress each day and I am starting to get a feel for things.

Sculpt is much better than I initially thought as I like the fine-grained control.
Cheers and have a great day,