Thanks for your message. However, I am still confused.
with commit [0] the usb_filter_rom README states that the <raw> node is gone, if I'm not mistaken. Are you on an older Genode release (before this commit) or something current ?
It is indeed stated in the README this way in my version, which contains both commit [0] and the more recent commit [1] below (which only seems to address format strings and doesn't affect the <raw> node that I can see). But my confusion is because commit [0] does not have any changes to "repos/os/src/app/usb_report_filter/", so I don't understand how/why the behavior of the component can change to match the change in README. Further, a search for "raw" through reveals code (lines 173-192) that appears to generate the <raw> node, so I assume this feature is used in at least some cases still? BTW the only difference from my version of usb_report_filter to current master is that I enable "verbose" to try to figure out what's going on.