(Forgive me for the improperly formatted reply, I just now properly registered to the users list and subscribed to the mailing list)
My friend, I was not expecting such a quick reply, much less a fix. Thank you very much! I'm almost certain this is exactly what is going on.
I haven't manually compiled Genode or used run scripts to build images in a very long time, but I'm going to try to learn again - I've already setup a proper Genode development environment again in a virtual machine based on the latest Ubuntu LTS release to try to build an image based on your modification.
I set up my build directory, edited build.conf to the best of my ability and ran "make run/sculpt KERNEL=nova BOARD=pc". Unfortunately, the .iso image that is produced is unbootable. Is there a guide or article somewhere describing how to properly build a Sculpt image? I must be making a silly mistake somewhere.
Genode to the moon!
Hi baconicsynergy,
I'm not an expert regarding this, but it seems that the Sculpt Manager
doesn't expect more than 9 partions on a disk. In
repos/gems/src/app/sculpt_manager/model/storage_device.h, in the
part_block configuration in line 228, it generates policies for
partition labels 1-9. This is why your part_block rejects the mke2fs
session request for the partition with "no policy defined for label
'12'". Consequently, your mke2fs dies with "Block-session creation
failed" and "No such file or directory".
I created a quickfix on my branch
Could you give it a try? I hope this is the only place where the Sculpt
Manager assumes such a limit. Maybe we should come up with a more
generic solution to this problem.