Hi All,

Today, I am investigating the use of Genode on Muen as that sounds like a very interesting project in the separations kernel arena.

With this in mind, I have started by looking at the:


In that document, it says to start by getting the muen repository

git clone http://git.codelabs.ch/git/muen.git

I started that seem to have gotten most of the repository but the muen.git calls for another git clone:

lonnie@...355...:~$ git clone --recursive http://git.codelabs.ch/git/muen.git
Cloning into 'muen'...
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule 'components/linux/src' (http://git.codelabs.ch/git/muen/linux.git) registered for path 'components/linux/src'
Cloning into 'components/linux/src'...

this is where it seems to hang.

I am wondering if anyone else has run across this and, if so, then what was your solution?

I want to play around with muen a bit, but would wonder if it might, eventually be possible to get virtualbox/genode/muen working since from what I have read on muen, that it still needs a bit of work to support other VM's beyond the simple xv6 VM which apparently was modified to make work (if I understand what was said in the
Auguse 29, 2013 muen-report pdf document.

Any ideas on this?

Kind Regards and have a great day,