On 01/17/2016 01:28 PM, Bob Stewart wrote:
Looking at this again tonight and turning on "verbose" in ram_session code, showed what appears to be the actual problem which was that the driver pruss_drv was given an initial  ram quota about an order of magnitude smaller than was necessary--- 1M verse 10M. Presumably this is because libc was asking for a lot of ram. With the run script using 10M for the ram resource in the pruss_drv component, the lack of quota messages are gone.

It might be better to have error/warning messages emitted that more accurately reflect the real ram resource issue. If my analysis of the problem is correct, instead of the message " Insufficient quota for transfer: init -> pruss_drv" issued,  "pruss_drv ram allocation exhausted" would be more informative. I interpreted the message as indicating that init had used all of it's allocation, which was not correct.
