Hi everyone,

I have been playing around a bit with qt under 15.08 (linux) recently.
One thing I noticed is that the testcases do not run properly anymore.
I had to adjust my runscripts (and the qt testcases I tried) in a fashion such as the non-qt wm test in the gems repo.
Can anyone confirm this or did I screw up something?

Another thing I noticed is, that if I add a number of qt components (in addition to quite a number of "conventional" ones)
I get exceptions thrown in lx_call() (/base-linux/src/base/ipc/ipc.cc). - This is non deterministic: everytime I run the config,
I get another one of the "available" exceptions in the method. The number of components I can add until the execution of
the config fails depends on the combination of compontens.
Can anyone imagine why this is happening? Could this be memory related?


Marcus Nolte, M. Sc.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Regelungstechnik (IfR)
Hans-Sommer-Straße 66
38106 Braunschweig

Tel.: +49 531 391 8066
Fax:  +49 531 391 7878
Email: nolte@...254...
Internet: http://www.ifr.ing.tu-bs.de